The Core Exam is a required component of the Certificate of Operational Competence in Occupational Hygiene for some candidates.

Once you have successfully passed the preceeding stages, and have received notification from BOHS that you are now ready to proceed to the Core Exam, you can use this facility in order to:

  • Enrol/pay fees - with the COVID-19 situation, enrolment is by paying fees (the fee for the Core Written Examination is £170). This facility provides the option to pay the fee before you submit by PayPal. You can use PayPal to pay the fee even if you haven't got a PayPal account, by using a debit or credit card.

  • Book your preferred appointment - you can select your preferred appointment from the list of available slots.  The Core Exam is held at the BOHS office in Derby.

  • Access the guidance notes - you can access and download the candidate guidance notes to help you with preparing for the exam, and understanding what will happen at your appointment. You will be able to access these documents at any time.

If you have any queries, please contact email